Field trip 1: Red Dot Museum – Organiser
I organised a field trip to the Red Dot Museum (located near MBS) on September 25th.
“The Red Dot Design Museum’s permanent exhibition, “A Preview of the Future – Red Dot Award: Design Concept” initiates guests into the mindset of good design. It showcases more than 345 award-winning design concepts.”
Hence I thought that it would be extremely relevant as we started laying the groundwork in conceptualising and designing our wearable studios. The trip was incredibly fruitful was it was inspiring to see how design can make everyday things into art and bring functionality into our lives.

Field trip 2: Making moisturisers and insect repellents
Tools/materials needed:
– Small containers
– Glass rod
– Stainless steel pot
– Essential oils
– Moisturizer base
Theo started off the workshop by explaining to us where the ingredients for his products are sourced from, and some of the benefits of the different essential oils such as anti-oxidizing properties or those that can help you to sleep better!

Theo started off the workshop by explaining to us where the ingredients for his products are sourced from, and some of the benefits of the different essential oils such as anti-oxidizing properties or those that can help you to sleep better!
The process first begins with customizing our moisturizer with a preferred scent using a combination of essential oils like ylang ylang, lavender, mint and rose. No more than 10 drops of essential oil should be used and they we were given a metal circular container to put them in.

Subsequently, Theo scooped a premade mix of jojoba, extra virgin coconut oil, aloe vera and glycerin which is the base for the moisturizer.

Following that, we mixed the essential oils and the base with a glass rod while it was still warm to make sure that the essential oils would be fully blended together with the base before it solidifies.
Lastly, let we let the mixture cool and popped the lid on!
Next up, Theo walked us through how his insect repellent is different and how it was concocted. It was his secret recipe + water + added essential oils to mask the smell.

Workshop 3 – SG food rescue
SG Food Rescue saves veggies and fruits from being thrown away. These

After rescuing the vegetables, they are first distributed among Food Rescuers for their own consumption. Subsequently, the majority of the rescued fruits and vegetables are channelled to soup kitchens and charitable organisations that feed the needy.
It was interesting to learn and understand that we might have been “Supermarket” washed by believing that only fruits and vegetables that are deemed to be perfect and free from flaws are edible. There is nothing wrong with a little flaw. 😉