Taking advantage of the field trip, I decided to make the moisturiser making workshop as part of my participation with practitioners exercise.
The workshop was organised by Rachel at the Singapore Visitor Centre.
It was hosted by the company called Theo10 and the founder, Theodore, was the one who was teaching us.

Process Documentation
The whole moisturiser making process was actually pretty easy.
1. Get a container
2. Fill it up to 10 drops of essential oils – can be mixed
3. Put warm aloe vera cream in
4. Stir & mix them together with glass rod
And you’re done!
Tools Used

Pain Points
It is a fairly simple activity that can be done within 15 minutes.
One possible challenge is perhaps the number of essential oils that are available. There was at least 15 bottles and they vary in size and shape.
It was also hard to get the oils from the smaller bottle as they do not have a dripper.
Another challenge could be having a big pot filled with warm water to warm and keep the aloe vera cream warm as it very bulky.
Other than these, once everything is set up, it is quite easy to get to the tools and use them.
We also participated in making our own mosquito repellent.
Apparently their mosquito repellent has been featured on CNN etc. during the dengue outbreak. (pretty cool!)
The challenge was to mask the weird scent of their own trade-secret-formulated repellent. (it smelt like fish oil to me – wouldn’t want that scent to stay on your skin for 4-6 hours…)
Process Documentation
So we had to mix in lots and lost of essential oil.
But before we did that, we had to concoct the repellent first.
With the measuring cylinder, we had to pour in 10ml of water and 2ml of their repellent using a pipette.
Once that was done, we could begin to mix in our essential oils to create a better scent for the repellent.
Pain Points
It was quite tough to mask the smell of the mosquito repellent – it took at least 100 drops of essential oils according to Theo.
An obstruction was the volume of the spray bottle. With the repellent solution taking about half of the bottle, there was only so much room for the essential oils. For me, I filled the bottle close to the brim and luckily mine worked. (Smells ok.)
The solution also had to be very precise as Theo instructed that the proportions has to be accurate in order for the repellent to work well.
I think one cool way to bring all the essential oils around is to make a coat with many many pockets storing each oil in each pocket. (looking like doctor gadget) Also a hot pocket (pun intended) to keep the aloe vera cream warm.
As the activity is fairly simple, just involving pouring liquid, once the workspace is set up, everything should go well.